Dorovski, Ivan.

Dorovski, Ivan (Doroverskö, Ivan) (v. Chuka, Grabenka, Aegean part of Macedonia, 18. V1935) – Historian, poet, translator, Slavist, Anthologist and Balkanologist, Doctor of Philology and university professor. Worked at the Department of Russian (1961 & 1963), at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​(1963 & 1968), in Ka-Ivan Dorovski Binet for Balkanism and Hungaryica (1968 & 1995, where he was also the boss) and the 1995 and 1995 Institute (1995 &) at Masariko University in Brno ; Member of the MANU outside of the working composition (14. 1979), an honorary member of the DPM IPM IPM, professor at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “(2000). At the time of the Civil War in Greece his family emigrated to Czechoslovakia (1948). He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Brno, where he defended the candidate dissertation “Rajko Zinzifov and Russian and Ukrainian literature” (1974). He was a professor of history of the literature of the Balkan peoples at the Faculty of Philosophy in Brno and Editor-in-chief of the magazines “Universitas”, “Šthafeta” and “Proardeleaguelizech Slovenö” (since 2001, renamed “Slovandýiich”). He maintained close ties with the Republic of Macedonia, studied the Macedonian language and literature, the Macedonian literary links, taught history of Macedonian literature and led exercises in Macedonian language. His merit is the opening of the Macedonian language Laborat at Masaric University in Brno (1993). He is the author of over 40 monographs and over 2,750 other bibliographic units. BIB.: ESCKE Take Balkán. Capitulo and Deinje echo-Macedonian and Macedonian-èeský Check, Brno, 1973; Czech Republic and Macedonia – mutual relations, Skopje, 1974; The elevation of Rusky and Ukrainian literary of criteria Rajko Zincova, Brno, 1988; Studies on the Balkan literary process in ⅹⅰⅹ and ⅹⅹ century, Skopje, 1992; Èesco-Makkodonský A Macedonian-èeký Sliko, Brno, 1994 (in co-authoring with dear stepeny); Macedonians Gie Vnámi, 1, Brno, 1998; Sline Balkáinskýcch magazine &, Praha, 2001; The esteement of Russian and Ukrainian literature on the work of Rajko Zinzifov, Skopje, 2003; Slicica Autor & Sweety Literators Pro Does Mláde. I. Zhichenèsty Luxury, Praha, 2007; Macedonians Gyi Nabi, 2, Brno-Boskovice, 2008. Lit.: Ivan Doloverský, bibliography, Brno, 1995, 2000; Slavity S Duši Bánika, Brno, 2005. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДОРОВСКИ, Иван

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