Dial (DSshalos) – Paionian deity that is the Pandan of the Hellenian Dionysus, according to Hesichius (Hessezius). The Paions respected him as a demon with hytonic significance and represented him “in Hellenic interpretation” of reliefs and the coins of their rulers. The cult of this epichor deity is preserved in Roman times, until ⅱ c., Which is confirmed by an inscription from Kilkis (Kukush). O Lit.: L. Robert, Antanoi, Reg, Julvia, H19, Paris, 1934, 32-33; E. Lowutas, Mia Major Matsia Gia Toss Paienes, Svle Fort Festscraft Fort J. CHANDICK, ToPhesion, 1987, 167-173; C. Bitrakova-Grozanova, Attachment for Religion and Art in Paionia, Religion and Art in Antiquity in Macedonia, Skopje, 1990, 148-183. C. B.-R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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