Grisobah, August (August Heanderzch Brisbac) (1814-1879) – German botanist, one of the founders of phytogueography. In the period from 29. ⅵ – 21. ⅶ 1839 He stayed in Macedonia (visited Pelister and Shar Planina), and Pelister (2. 1839) revealed the molika – Pelister Pine August Grisbach (Pinus Pusce Grisb.). The Shar Planina discovered and described a number of new types of science, such as: Arkanna Szcardica, Circium APPEDICTUM, Diannchus Trenenus, Lilium Albanitzum, Peditsuvalis Leuzdone, Potethatal Holospace, Sagifaga Sacardza, Sideritis Szcards, Silene Nualdsteini, etc. VL. M. Alexander Grizz
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГРИЗЕБАХ, Аугуст