Mice real

Mice actual (Morina) – a panfamily from the order of rodents (rodiedia), with the body length of 6 cm (dwarf dice £ 30 cm (Rat-wanderer). Joint marks are: spiked muzzle, long ears, which over the fur cover and tail that is longer than half the body length. In Europe, five genuine with a total of 14 types live, and in Macedonia, four genods with nine species: Polish Blanth Mouse (Apodimus Agrius), Mouse Kamenin (apodemus is a yellow mouse (apodemus flavitzollis), a forest mouse (apodemus czlvatus), a dwarf Mouse (Mitrombace Minus), homemade mouse (Mus Domestycus), Macedonian mouse (Mus Macydonitsus), Homepatic Rat (Ratus Ratus) and Rat-Tramp (Ratus Norverchas). Lit.: S. Petkovski -B. Cricfk, mammals of Macedonia, Skopje, 1998; A. J. Mitzchell-Ion, Mr. Amori, N. Bogdanzz, B. Tsstick, P.J.H. Reinders, F. Spitzenberger, M. Stubba, JB. Tihasen, V. Bulgarial, J. Winter, pla Atlas Off European Mammals, London-San Diego, 1999. St. P. – V. Sid. Mice Polongs (Arvismoline) – Revapimately mice, which includes the polycases and lemmes. Widespread through the Palaearctic part of Eurasia, North Africa and North America. Although phylogenetic stems from the hammets, unlike them, the peaches developed a special type of molars, with a complex saw surface, chewing on low calorie grass. In Macedonia, ten species were registered, belonging to six Rodges: LASESTROOMS GLAEROLUS), Bienna Polyhakcitsis, high mountain polyanka (Nodratsis Bogdani), Water Polyka (Arvitzola Tertastress), mountainous Poljana (Microsot Arvalis), ordinary political (Microtus Rossiaemeridalis), southern Polyana (Microtus Guenther), a thrifth (Micrototus Subternaus), Felecontova Polyana (Microtus Feltennen) and snowy (CHIOOMS Nivalis) .: S. Petkovski -B. Cricfk, mammals of Macedonia, Skopje, 1998; A. J. Mitzchell-Ion, Mr. Amori, N. Bogdanzz, B. Tsstaffk, P. J. H. Reinders, F. Spitzenberger, M. Stubba, J. B. M. Tihasen, V. Bulgarial, J. Winter, pla Atlas Off European Mammals, London-San Diego, 1999. St. P. – V. Sid. Government

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГЛУВЦИ ВИСТИНСКИ

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