Guard books -. Popular books of medieval anonymous translation of folk-literary works, containing edges and treaches of social and bit character, which were used for wicking on the basis of some natural and physiological phenomena, such as thunder, earthquake, after the phases of the moon, bust of the ear, The trembling of the eye or by the day the kelete is falling, according to some other calendar and zodiac signs, according to dreams, etc. They found a reflection very old mythological representations. They are mentioned in the old age, especially in the Hellenic and Roman period. Later, through translations of Byzantine literature, they crossed in old Slavic literacy. One of the older sources of this kind of books is Byzantine writer Ioan Lidos (490 – ok. 565) Who made a collection of then available Mr. k. Under the title “About the flags”, in which Chaldean, Egyptian and Etruscan motives are also encountered. For affirmation of their reliability, they are sometimes attributed to the God’s authorship of famous Bible (David, Ezra, Moses and Solomon) and historical figures (Byzantine emperors Heraklius 610-641 and Leo ⅵ Wise 886-912). In the various processing (ⅶ-ⅻ c.) Gradually lose their empiricalness and are template. Content is based on real knowledge of certain natural phenomena and physiological conditions, woven with folk bit and customs and tailored to the naive perceptions and superstition of users. In the Council of Aseman Gospel (ⅹ-Xi c.), Astrological data on the pros and bad days in the individual months of the year or Sunday, mainly on the basis of life experience. And according to the recognition of their content, they also received appropriate titles and appointments. 1. Paddy named according to natural phenomena: According to the thunderstorms – Treknik, according to lightning – the Lightnik, according to the reactions of the birds and animals – a bird and Mispexk, according to the outer recording of the shepherd. 2. Paths named according to calendar or astronomical features: according to which day of the week, Koleside is falling on the week, according to the position of the stars – a stars or a planner, according to the phases of the moon and its kind – Lonovnik. 3. Dathani appointed according to the various conditions of the human body and the prime of the muscles – a tremitor, according to dreams – the sonnik, according to which day of the month, the man – the month will be born in which day was born – Jehender, etc. 4. Paths named according to books and letter. Among other things, Mr. k. They bring wars and peace, epidemics, clashes, uprisings, unrest and suffering. In them, a minating reflection found the business life and the bit through the predictions of years of hunger and abundance, drought and rain, and sometimes certain attitudes towards events in modernity, the psychology of contemporaries and their characters. Therefore, they are an important source for the history of the Macedonian people, the ethnic, economic, social, social and political situation in which they originated. In highlighting the role of health in the fate of people, the unhappy is foretelling and short life, and the happy health and longevity. According to the practical purpose, forecasts are usually short, subject and concrete, with initial enclosure with “if” without poetic figures and emotional color. Lit.: V. Jagic, descriptions and statements of the Non-Sunnisken, ⅹⅴⅰ, Middle C. C. Kacanovsk, apocryphalement of prayers, Gatanaya and Preset, “Anchor”, ⅹⅰⅰⅰ, (1881), 150-163; M. A. Andreeva, Political = Eskyobee Luze Byzantine-Slavjnich Gadstache Knis, “Bdzantulica”, 1930, REC. 1, 47-73; kn. 2, 395-415; 1931, REC. 2, 430-461; 1932, REC. 1, 65-84; M. N. Spiranski, “Zlaze DNI” in correspondence asymanevangelage, “Macedonian Review”, 1932, REC. 1, 41-53; M. A. Andreeva, K histories of Byzantine-Slavjnch Gadstadchnzh Knis, “BDZantinoslavica”, 1933- 34, kn. 5, 120-161. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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