Volcanic areas in Macedonia. On the terrain of Macedonia, intensive volcanic activity was carried out at the time of the protirosoic, in the Jurassy and the tertiary period. From the protecosionic old age, a volcanic-sedimentary area is a metaphon-diabase complex, also called a diabase-philitoid formation of rifes-campier old, which is distributed on Osogovo-Maleshevo Mountains and Plachkovica. Remains of a very widespread Jast Volcanic area of the area of the Vardar zone today were preserved in the Patolite massif Demir Kapija-Gevgelija, at Klepko and Lipkovo at Skopska Crna Gora. The rocky tables are the type of ocean bark, built in lower levels of various gabs, through which massive baskets and piloll-volcanic rock “Ratkova scale” Osogovo Vukidovolov from Spick-basalt. With the tertiary magmatic activity, the Kratovo-Zletovo Volcanic area was created in the eastern parts of the Vardar zone, the thoranica-Sasa-Delcevo-Pehchevo and the smaller Bucim-Bulgarian Volcanic area. All are from Gorno-oligocenal – medium-miocene age, and built from Andesites, Latites, quartzlatits. With this volcanism, lead-zinc, golden, copper and non-metallic sites (Zletovo-Dobel, Sasa, Toranica, Bucim) are created. The Kozufa Volcanic area is of MIS-Pliocene age, there is an oritic and quartzlathic composition and there are facilities of antimony, arsenium, grass, gold and volcanic glasses. N. Dum.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet