Zippy, Hisni Nehas (Separa, Hisni Nehas) (v. Slupcane, Kumanovo, 19. 1954) – poet, prose, translator, literary critic, UNIV. Professor. He finished elementary education in the village. Opaale, and a gymnasium in Kumanovo. In 1977 He graduated from the Department of Albanian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje. The postgraduate studies in the field of Albanian literature finished in Pristina, and received a PhD at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje (1994). Worked as an interpreter in the “Flaka is a yellowazerimith”. Since 1979 He works as an assistant, lecturer and professor of contemporary Albanian literature at the Department of Albanian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje. He published several articles in the field of literature and essay. Member of the DPM (1979). Translated and presented in several anthologies of Albanian poetry and short stories in the country and abroad. BIB.: Algje (algae), poetry, 1973; Green songs, 1973; TSH thanks NGA Chew (greeting from the moon), poetry, 1975; Ⅴ Round, 1979; Gjuzshnight (crescent), poetry, 1980; Himeret is Humbura (diluted chimers), 1987; Gadshmate is guching (the scream of the ship), short stories, 1985; FLIZR Liriès (LIRARY Scriptures), short stories, 1987; SHI MBI Sphins (rain above Albania), poetry, 1997; Flurmy MBI SLUP (flight over Slupco), Roman, 1997; NS Fund TS Akoronite (in the bottom of Aheron), short stories, 1993; Ruga is a gaparus (the road of cancer), Roman, 1998; The Unasa is Humbur (the lost ring), prose, 2000; Narration in the Albanian novel (study) 1996; Literary parallels, essay, 1998; FLCRSIA PSR Fsions (literary for children), university textbook, 2000; Anthology of Albanian pure lyrics, a choice of Albanian poetry, 2002; Energy Negeasives (negative energy), short stories, 2006. A. P.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СОПАЈ, Хисни Нехас