Zdravev, Gjorgji Dimitrov (Radovis, 2. ⅳ 1941 – Skopje, 7. ⅰ 2007) – costume designer, MSc in Applied Arts and Doctor of Ethnology Science, Textile People’s Ornjorge Professor. He graduated (1967) and Master’s degree at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade on the topic “Playles Costume U Makedoski U ⅹⅳ and ⅹⅴ Veckle Winter Winter Painting” (24. 1972). He received his doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade on the topic “The social and aesthetic aspects of the Macedonian folk costumes” (29. ⅴ 1991). He was an assistant, scientific and senior scientific associate – researcher of textile People’s ornaments at the Institute of Folklore in Skopje (1 IX 11969 – 5. ⅱ 1973 and 1. ⅷ 1974 – 30. IX 1992) and V.D. Director (9. 1975 – 8. IX 1975 and from 1 ⅶ 1978 – 15. ⅲ 1979), followed by a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Institute for Ethnology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje. AV-TOR is about 90 articles and other articles, artistic images and tapestries, as well as about 100 costume projects for theater performances, TV movies and several feature films. BIB.: People’s Lands and Sorkeki in Ovcheffelie, Skopje, 1975; Textile folk work and folk costume in Tetovo, Skopje, 1988; Macedonian folk costumes, and ⅱ, Skopje 1996 and 2007. Right: 50 years Institute of folklore. Bibliography of the edition of the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov” – Skopje and the master’s and doctoral dissertations of collaborators 1950-2000. Prepared Mirjana Anastasova, Skopje, 2000, 121-122, 139 and 146-148. S. Ml. Milka Zdraveva
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЗДРАВЕВ, Ѓорѓи Димитров