Zafirovski, George

Zafirovski, George (village Kapinovo, Veles, 28. IX 1919 – 19. ⅳ 1992) – a prominent participant in NOVM. Developed a rich skiing activity in Negotino. After the liberation was an JNA officer and a military retiree. As an Activist of the SPB of a new in Negotino, he showed interest in publicist activity for the country’s birthplace in NOVM. The holder is a partisan monument 1941. BBB.: The development and activity of the SVAY in Negotino in the period 19411944, the Tikvesh in New 19411945, REC. Fourth. Political organizations and folk authority, Kavadarci-Negotino, 1984, 45-64; The activity of women and youth from Negotino in But War 1941-1945, in the same place, 247261 (with co-author). Lit.: Tikvesh in New 1941-1945, KN. First – seventh, Kavadarci-Negotino, 1984. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЗАФИРОВСКИ, Ѓорѓи

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