Yahya, Willow Bainty

Yahya, Kemal Bainty (Skopje, 1884 – Istanbul, 1958) – Turkish poet, politician and diplomat. He was educated in Skopje, Istanbul and Paris, he was a professor at several faculties in Istanbul. As a diplomat was MP in Madrid and Warsaw, Ambassador to Pakistan and Turkey’s representative in UNESCO. It is considered one of the largest Turkish poets of ⅹⅹ c. He published many works in the field of poetry and prose in which he also writes for his hometown of Skopje. Lit.: Turners Tarchi ⅹⅹ, Šstanbul, 2001. Dr. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЈАХЈА, ќемал Бејатли

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