West, Rebecca

West, Rebecca (1892-1983) – English writer with rich novelist opus and a stormy biography, filled with turbulent love adventures and affairs. Author of a book about the Balkans, for Yugoslavia and Macedonia and a kind of diary and travelogue “Black Lamb and Gray Falcon” (1941). The English author traveled to the Balkans to better understand the tensions and conflicts in this region. He came to Yugoslavia three times (1936, 1937 and 1938) and all these visits were translated into the novel for the Black Lamb. The book encounters a great reception, called the path of the pathopis; Reissued and translated, the book demolves all barriers and distances and finds a wide reception. This book is a historical, archaeological and political analysis of the most attractive Balkan country, with many comments on folklore, customs, landscapes, crystallized views on religion, people, art, myths and love. In the sections that are dedicated to Macedonia, the author is impressed by cultural heritage and rituals. Unforgettable are the pages through which the secretis for the sheepfield is deciphered. D. T. The daily newspaperVestVest “- an independent daily informative-political newspaper. The first number came out on July 5, 2000. Publisher: DNID “Mirror”. Founders: “Fersped”, Goran Mihajlovski and Doncho Mirchev. In 2003 The majority share of ownership was redeemed by German publishing Concern WAC. Editor-in-chief Goran Mihajlovski. B. P. F. Veterinary Institute, Skopje

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВЕСТ, Ребека

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