
Vuniti – Slavic tribe, towards the end of the ⅵ and Start. on ⅶ c. He settled in Macedonia, in the territories west of Thessaloniki, and later in Epirus, between Arta and Ioannina. In alliance with other Slavic tribes participated in the Byzantium attacks (614-616), raving the southern parts of Ilirik and the Aegean islands, as well as in the attack of the city of Thessaloniki (616). It is considered that the Vagenietia area in Epirus did not receive the name. Lit.: I. Stefoska, the Slavs of the soil of Macedonia (from the beginning of the ⅹ century), Skopje, 2002; T. Live, southern Slavs under the Byzanticoma Vlaschu (600-1025), Belgrade, 2002; F. Barishi, miracles Dimitrija Salonian Cao Historical sources, Belgrade, 1953. K. Ag.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАЈУНИТИ

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