Vrichenov, Dincho (v. This, Servesko,? – Petrichko, IX 1924) – Duke of VMRO. After the First World War, VMRO’s Duke in a solisory borough, a close associate of A. Vasilev. Due to participation in killing over T. Aleksandrov, was liquidated at the time of the Gornoduman murders in Petrichka from VMRO of Yves. Mihailov. Lit.: Atanas Jolev, memories. The overruns of the Macedonian revolutionary movement. Preface and editorial office prof. Dr. Zoran Todorovski, Skopje, 2003. Z. Todd. Willin Pony (Anyam Emperor Leaf.)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВРЕТЕНАРОВ, Динчо