Uncelonce-Cvetanovska, Gluzza (Kavadarci, 8. 1954) – Full professor, researcher in earthquake engineering. Primary education and high school ended in Bitola. She graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (1978) as the best student. Masters (1983) and PhD (1991) in IZIIS in Skopje. She stayed at several universities in the world. The author and co-author is over 320 scientific and professional papers, published in the country and abroad. It was vice president of the DGKM, a member of the Senate of UKIM and the Evaluation Agency. The holder is on several state awards and recognitions. K. Tal. Peter Nonchovy.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НЕЧЕВСКА-ЦВЕТАНОВСКА, Голупка