Ukrainian-Macedonian connections and relationships. Are established even after the baptism in the Middle Ages (998), and developed after the defeat of Austria in the Austro-Turkish War (1683-1699), when a significant number of Macedonians with the Austro-Hungarian army withdrew in today’s Vojvodina and Hungary, where, faced With the danger of invitation, with the permission of Russian Empress Nachaterina, they settle over the Dnieper, when Macedonian Husban Regiment is formed. In 1900 In Kiev, then in Odessa, a Macedonian company is formed, and later a secret Macedonian disruption. Ukraine recognizes RM on 23. ⅶ 1993, and diplomatic relations are established on 19. ⅺ 1996. The first extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in Ukraine is Vlado Blazevski. The first extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Macedonia is Vyacheslav more pollen (non-resident, from Sofia). In the 2001 war Ukraine $ helps the Republic of Macedonia, supplying it with weapons and aircraft. The active cooperation of MANU was developed with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Lit.: Aleksandar Matkovski, Macedonian regiment in Ukraine, Skopje, 1985; Achille Tunte, Republic of Macedonia – First Decade (1990-1999), Skopje, 2005. T. Petr. Necropolis Ulans.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet