Trombev, George

Trombev, George (Bitola, 8. 1950) – Full professor at the Technical Faculty in Bitola in the subjects of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and thermotechnical plants. He graduated (1976) and Master’s degree (1985) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Skopje. He received his doctorate at the Technical Faculty in Bitola (1996). The professional career begins in RO “Goce Radoselevic” in Bitola (1976), where he works on managerial jobs. He is employed at the refrigerator factory “Rade Koncar” in Bitola (1982-1983), and in the period from 1983 to 1987. He is employed in REK “Bitola” as an engineer for overseeing the construction of TE Bitola 2 and 3. He works at the Technical Faculty in Bitola as an assistant (from 1987), and later as a full professor (2006). He was Dean of the Faculty in the period 2002-2006. It has published more than 50 scientific and professional papers and developed more than 50 projects and studies. Ch. K.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТРОМБЕВ, Ѓорѓи

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