TRANCHI, MELPOVENS (Mancha Trenicheva) (Krushevo, 16. ⅲ 1900 – Rome, 12. IX 1964) – Vlaim, Assassination of VMRO, Ivan Mihailov’s wife. After the First World War, he emigrated to Sofia, he met Ivan Mihailov (1924) and became a member of VMRO. In Vienna in the Burgtea, he killed T. Paragraph (8. 1925) and was sentenced to 8 years in prison, but “due to poor health” is released, returned to Bulgaria and married IV. Mihailov (1926). Lit.: Ivan Mihajlov, memories ⅳ. Overdoor struggle 1924-1934 (Production), Indianapolis, 1973; Trit
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КРНИЧИУ, Мелпомени