Tomovski, Dushan (Debar, 16. ⅷ 1925 – Chicago, USA, 18. ⅹ 1979) – Literary translator, scientist. He graduated from four groups of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje: Physics, German Language and Literature, French Language and Literature, English Language and Literature. Worked as a professor at the Faculty of Philosophy (Head of the Department of German Language and Literature. His most important translations are: Faust from Goethe (first part, 1977, the second part, 1978; the little fadment of J. Sand (1963); Song of Nibalians (1979 ); Douin Elegers / Sonets for Orpheus of R. Rilke (1983). Translator is also the anthologies: Contemporary German short stories (1976, with R. Grcheva); German poetry of the 20th century (1978) and Austrian poetry of the 20th century (1982, with R. Grcheva). Position was decorated with the high German recognition “Geteov medal”. P. Gil. Krum Tomovski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТОМОВСКИ, Душан