Todorovcarda, Hristijan Angelov

Todorovski-Charpress, Christian Angelov (Kumanovo, 3. Ⅸ 1921 – Biljaha, Bujanovac, 7.ⅱ 1944) – People’s Hero. As a student in ⅷ Class became a member of the SCOY (1939), and then the CPY (1940). He was one of the organizers of NOVM in Kumanovo, a member of the Kozjan NOO headquarters (12 ⅹ 1941), and after his breakdown, he first illegalized in Kumanovo, and then left as a fighter of the second southern NOOP (late 1941). After the attack on the mine, Lojane lost the relationship with the squad and joined the Cowardly NOO (by the end of 1942), and then he returned to the Southern Ioon (by mid-1943). He used sending as a courier in Kumanovo, in accordance with the MK of the CPM, was one of the organizers and became the commander of the Kumanovo NOO (26. ⅵ 1943). After several successful struggles, by the end of the year, the disorder grew up to about 120 fighters, after which, on the orders of the headquarters of the Fifth Operational Zone of New and Pom grew into the former Kumanovski but the battalion “Jordan Nikolov-Orce” (1 ⅹⅰⅰ 1943). Died in unclear circumstances. He was proclaimed for the folk hero of Yugoslavia (29. ⅶ 1945). Open is in more folk songs. Aviation: Jordan Cekov-Dane, Remembrance of Hristijan Todorovski-Karpos, “Swlon”, ⅷ, 16, Kumanovo, June 1979, 39-53; Kumanovo and Kumanovo in New 1941- 1945. Documents, Kumanovo, 1988. Lit.: Todorovski Hristijan-Karpus, “Vioric LTOs”, Skopje, 1957, 315; Boro Checkar, Hristijan Todorovski – Karpos, Kumanovo, 1965; Methods Petrovski – Dragoljub Dimovski, Karposh – Kozye legend, Skopje, 1971; Vidoe Podgorets, Todorovski Vangjell Hristijan – Karposh (1921-1944), folk heroes from Macedonia, Skopje, 1973, 374-379; Memorial Collection of the dead fighters of new and victims of the fascist terror from Kumanovo and Kumanovo 1941-1945, Kumanovo, 1976, 1920; Jordan Cekov-Dane, as a Christian, called Karpos, “Nova Makedonija”, Jujv, 11154, Skopje, 11. ⅱ 1978, 2; It, the death of the legendary Karpos, “Nova Makedonija”, JJJV, 11505, Skopje, 2.ⅱ 1979, 8; Tode-Small Sazdovski, the death of the glorified commander, “Nova Makedonija”, Jl, 13306, Skopje, 7. ⅱ 1984. S. Ml. Vangel Todorovski-Master Todorovski-Major, Van-Gel Naumov (Bitola, 1920 – Bitola, 24. ⅳ 1942) – Berber worker, folk hero. As Head of Berber Workers, he was an activist of Ursa Trade Unions, a member of the CPY (1940) and a member of the GB of the SCOP in Bitola. Because of the communist activity, he was more than later. After the fascist occupation of Macedonia, he illegalized and worked in the MK party of the CPY in Bitola, and at one attempt from the Bulgarian authorities, he was killed, killed the Bitola district police chief, after which, in order not to fall into enemy hands, he committed suicide . He was proclaimed for the folk hero of Yugoslavia (2 ⅶ 1952). Lit.: Aleksandar Popovski, Todorovski Naum Vangjell Mayor (1920-1942), folk heroes from Macedonia, Skopje, 1973, 380- 385; Bitola and Bitola in New 1941- 1942, materials from the symposium held on 11, 12 and 13 April 1977, REC. First and second, Bitola, 1978. S. Ml. Jelica Todorchevska

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТОДОРОВСКИКАРПОШ , Христијан Ангелов

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