Tododica – calendar custom. Although the Holy Great Martyr Theodor Tyrone has another holiday (2 ⅲ / 17. Ⅱ), the people celebrate the Todor’s Saturday, the first Saturday of the Easter post. The feast is carried wheat and corn in church, which the young people put under the pillow and according to the dream forecast the future. In some areas, bread decorated with various figures – yoke, oxen, horses, plow, stained with lambs, horseboards, etc. Although the holiday is primarily church, more elderly customs associated with the advent of spring and waking of vegetation were contaminated. Lit.: Lazar Measures ¢, Herethology, Belgrade, 1961, 147; Marco K. Cepenkov, folk beliefs, children’s games, kn. Ninth, dredged Dr. Kiril Penakliski and Leposa Spirovska, Skopje, 1972, 18; Ariton Popovski, Macedonian speech at the Gostivar region, Gostivar region, ⅱ, Gostivar, 1970, 147; Stephen Verkovic, Macedonian folk reputations, REC. Fifth, prepared and edited Kiril Penakliski, Skopje, 1985, 90; Ljubica and Danica Janksђ, Peopleive Iir, ⅳ, Belgrade, 1948, 32. M. Keith. Asen Todorov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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