The Parthenius Palace in Stobi

The Palace of Parthenius in Stobi – the most representative Roman residential object. It occupies whole insula in the central part of the city and consists of two residential units and from the economic part, which are dug in the sloping terrain, and the floor that rises above them. The palace belongs to the perysts of Parthenius in Stobby type of buildings, which are known in the Hellenic world, and in the Roman period accepted both the Mediterranean spaces. About the big peristyl, with floral beds and fountain, are concentrated: the sumptuous dining room, the EXTRA, the rooms for daily rest and for the reception of visitors, as well as other auxiliary premises. This part of the facility is sometimes named theodosian palace. Bronze stats of asholist, aphrodita and marble sculptures of Poseidon and the Hiham, who originate from the Hellenic and the Ranorian period were found in the peristile. The floors in the building were decorated with mosaics in Opus Telopingum and Opus Sectile. Since the decorative plastics, the decorative elements in the large fountain, pillars and capitals with torched canaluri are allocated. The economic part consists of more overhead rooms, as well as three vaulted cellars. The building was built at the beginning of ⅳ c., And at the end of the century, certain changes were suffered as a result of the surroundings of certain premises. From the middle of ⅴ to late ⅵ c. Above the whole structure there exist more rustic houses. Litt.: B. Nestrob, excavation U Stobi, “Olderly”, ⅵ, Belgrade, 1931, 109-114; J. Weisman, Stobi, guide through the ancient city, Titov Veles, 1973, 47-52; D. Gerasimovska, ancient houses in Macedonia, Skopje, 1996, 43-65. D. D.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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