The massacre in the sab, neurocopic, Pirin part of Macedonia

The massacre in the Dabnica, Neuracosko, Pirin part of Macedonia (1925) – Executed on the Macedonian population of the Meat Price of VMRO of Vancho Mihailov. From the village, more than 300 people were violent and three months (from April to June) were subjected to bloody reprisals, in front of the eyes of the local state, administrative and military authorities, and a majority of them were killed. As a consequence of “fierce inquisition,” OK died. 200 souls, and more were interned outside the Pirin part of Macedonia. Lit.: Zoran Todorovski, VMRO 1924- 1934, Skopje, 1997; Petíre Galchin, Politician struggles in Pirinski Krajÿ 1923-1939, Sofia, 1989. F. Malc. Dimitar Mastevski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАСАКРОТ кај с Дабница, Неврокопско, Пиринскиот дел на Македонија

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