The fight at the Gandac (peak of the Spider Mountain, 12-13/25/26) – Struggle of the rebellies of the Duke of the Apostle Petkov and Ivan Karasulia with the Ottian military units from Gavisons in Gevgelija and Gevenjah. On 12/25. IX 1903 rebels (103 souls) took strategic positions. Ottoman units (1,200 souls) attacked and a fierce battle was conducted. On 13/26. IX 1903 The rebellion with Yurish broke the hoop. The losses of the rebels were insignificant, and the Ottoman army had over 180 victims. Lit.: Angel Dinev, Ilinden Epopia, 1. Holded: Vlado Markov, Skopje, 1987. V. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОРБАТА КАЈ ГАНДАЧ