Suli-An (Skopje, ⅹⅴ c.) – Monument of Culture. Raised by Ishak-Bey, the second Ottoman governor of Skopje, known as Star An. The name Suli (Tour. Sulu – watered) received him later on the River Serava, besides him. There is an area of 2.101 m², with a porch leaning of 18 stone pillars. The number of premises on both floors earlier was 57. Stopped to perform its function towards the end of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Today, he houses the Faculty Suli-An in the Old Skopje Bazaar for Fine Arts and the Museum of the Skopje Bazaar. Lit.: Lidija Kumbaradz-Bogojevic, Ottoman monuments in Skopje, Skopje, 1998; Dr. Hassan Kales, the oldest Vacadoski documents in Yugoslavians at Araboma Jizku. Pristina, 1972; Averdi Ekrem Hackki, Avrova – Osmanlý Mimarý Irlers. “SUHLOSLAPA”, LLL Cild, 3. Kitab, ýISBul, 1981. Dr. F.
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