Student Society (Society) “Vardar” in Belgrade (1893/94) – Cultural-national and scientific-literary society (group) of students and students from Macedonia who were educated in Belgrade. The rules are accepted by the Assembly 15. ⅲ 1894 The official goal was: “a) to work on the research and introduction of their homeland in a farmable, folk and historical view; b) The members of the company mutually assist themselves as in educational and moral and material respect; c) To work for a comprehensive preparation of its members to serve it better by its people in the state of His Majesty Sultan. ” Unofficial and true goal, according to his article K. P. Misirkov, was: “Him members are introduced to introduce and develop an IDE program, which will be imposed in Macedonia Taino from Srbca propaganda. The functional goal was the ethnographic in ethnographic, philology and history ratio “. The chairman of the company was Nikola Po-Reva (Ib), and among members were K. Misirkov and D. Chupovski. The company is stifled by the competent authorities in 1894/95, when the name “Vardar” was replaced by “spring”, and membership includes non-Macedonians. Lit.: K. P. Misirkov, for the Macedonian works, Sofia, 1903, 90; Dr. Blaze Ristovski, the Macedonian people and the Macedonian nation, ⅱ, Skopje, 1983, 9-23. Bl. R. Preparation for land
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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