Strumica artillery brigade Goce Delchev

Strumica Artillery Brigade “Goce Delchev” (8. J – December 1944) – Military unit of new and POM in the 1950s (Macedonian) division of Nova. It was formed by 25 fighters with artillery experience, with commander captain Ivan Steriev and political commissioner Boro Cambera. Soon, parts of the Macedonian But Brigade “Goce Delchev” were joined, and gradually grew 350 fighters. It was divided into two batteries, and it had 3 hilly and 4 anti-tank cannons. One battery acted in the direction Delcevo-Kocani-Stip, and the other towards Tsarevo village (Day. Delcevo) -Bere-Strumica-Krivolak. During the reorganization of artillery units was transferred to Skopje, and entered the composition of the first Macedonian but artillery brigade. Exhibition: Avions, Belgrade, K. 1364, Reg. no. 6-5 / 2. Lit.: Dr. Marjan Dimitrievski, Macedonian army 1944-1945 (overview of the main headquarters, brigades, divisions, corpses and ⅴ Yugoslav Army), Skopje, 1999, 158-159. S. Ml. Strumica Orthodox Diocese of the MOC

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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