Struga Minome – Old Slavic manuscript from ⅹⅴ c. There are 47 sheets and is written in two columns with a petty half-point letter. The fragment is part of the extensive Minne, which was owned by the Xkari family from Struga. In the second half of ⅹⅰⅹ c. A. Chakarov gave this fragment of Mr. Balazchev, who later departed to the Sofia National Library (No. 455). Under July 27 in the minee, Slavic translation of the Greek service of St. Clement of Ohrid. Some of the texts are marked and their authors. Thus, as the author of the Great Evening Oz-Headed Ohrid Archbishop Gregory, one canon of Sts. Clement with acrostic wrote Theophylact Ohridski and one canon, also with acrostic, wrote Demetrius Homatian. Klimenta’s service from this Minne has issued Georgi Balaschev. Lit.: Mr. Balaschev, Clement of Bishop of Slavic and the Started Slavic translation, S One Charky parallel text and one facsimile, Sophie®, 1898; B. Tsonev, description of Slavries Riskopje in the Sophia National Library, ⅱ, Sophie®, 1923, 62-64. F. P. AT.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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