Stojkov, Stojan (Give, Radovish, 17. ⅹ 1941) – Composer. Composition teaches in Skopje (VL. Nikolovski) and the Music Academy in Belgrade, where he graduated (E. Joseph, 1969). After Stojan Stojkov, returning to Skopje becomes a professor at the secondary music school, Aod 1979. At the Faculty of Music Art. Even in his student works S. It is shown as a lyricist with folklore orientation, peculiarities that will keep throughout the entire decades of opus. Av-Thor is of works of more musical gender. However, the chamber and orchestra prevail, as well as many choral compositions (village South, 1973). B. ORT.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТОЈКОВ, Стојан