Stojcevski, Sande (village Cold demands, Kumanovo, 16. ⅸ 1948) – poet, essayist, literary critic, translator. He was a journalist, and then the editor of the educational editorial office of Radio Skopje, editor-in-chief and director of the bookstorm “Macedonian book”, editor-in-chief of the Prilep magazine “Streaming” and the “Act”, “Act”. Coaver is on the five-year edition “Macedonian literature in literary criticism” (1973). As Sande Stojcevski, poet seeks to unite the archaic (dialectical) and modern express models, from the first official collection of the “King of Swans” (1972) to the last “Sileva yard” (2003). His poetry is realized through the application of the three principles: the principle of archaicity, the principle of interpolation and the text-test principle. Lit.: Miodrag Foreign, history of Macedonian literature ⅹⅹ century (1990). C. M.-
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТОЈЧЕВСКИ, Санде