
Socks – an integral part of the folk costume. With its decorative contribute to its full aesthetic impression. They were made (they knitted) from a woolenway, in one floor, and if they were made from a cotton yake, they knitted with a cotton thread in two floors. The wool for socks in the village. Orah, Kumanovsko, was selected, are Vlachel on the legs of ribbes (cideers), covered the cadile and the spindle, so that it will be crushed in two floors of the spindle and then midst (being dyed). Women’s socks were usually long to kneel and consist of top (fingers), foot, heel (heel), patches and travels (Brapka) Sukani of two Remen, with which they were turned. They were knitted on hand, with two or three needles. Socks There are various types of ornamented female socks. The oldest are characterized by the ornamental motive circuits. The old bridal socks were richly ornamented, dominated by the red color. The socks that were intended for younger girls were made on a red basis, with accents of green, hyper and yellow, while the socks intended for older women were made on a dark, black grounds and were ornamented with discrete ornaments, placed in a horizontal order. Male socks are shorter than females. They are usually opened from the inner side, from the joint (the gaze), and up. In the upper part they binded with traps. Earlier in some regions in Macedonia, the green socks dominated in the color socks. Towards the end of ⅹⅰⅹ and the beginning of ⅹⅹ c. They were ornamented on a red basis, but unlike former socks, they were not open and were somewhat longer than the first. This newer type of male socks was ornamented with motifs circuits, ornament represented in the upper part of the foot and the apple. J. R.-P. Blagoja Chorevski.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЧОРАПИ

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