Stankovski, Jovica (Kumanovo, 13. and 1949) – Mechanical engineer, social and archaeologist. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1975) and the group of art history with archeology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1986). He was chairman of the Republic Culture SIZ (1983-1984), director of the National Theater in Kumanovo (1986-1989) and director of the National Museum – A. Stankovski: “Frege James” (2005) Jovica Stankovski Kumanovo (1999-2003), now NU Museum – Kumanovo (from December 2006-). He was head of 8 archaeological research in Kumanovo, including the archaeological site Taticwe Kamen in the village. Kokino. BIB.: Kokino, Kumanovo, 2005 (with co-author); Kokino, the fortress of the Sun, Kumanovo, 2007. S. Ml. Ljupco Stankovski Stankovski, Ljupco Vladi
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