Stankovovska, Ljubica (Tetovo, 10. 1943) – Philologist, scientific adviser at the mae “Krste Misirkov” and then at the Institute of Old Slavic Culture in Prilep. She received a master’s degree in the topic “The representation of the suffix–: in Macedonian toponymy” (1974), while received the “Macedonian toponyming system to the” century “(1985). Scientific preoccupation: Macedonian Onomastics. Study stays in the Czech Republic (1968), Russia (1970) and Poland (1979). He is the author of over one hundred bibliographic units. BIB.: Dictionary of personal names in Macedonians, Skopje, 1992; Macedonian Ojkonia, book first, Skopje, 1995; Macedonian Ojkonia, book second, Skopje, 1997; Toponyms with the Sufix-Put in Macedonia, Skopje-Prilep 2001; Suffixes -Jï, -jiï, -í in Macedonian toponymy, Prilep, 2002; The names of the settlements in Kumanovo, Prilep, 2003. E. YOU.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТАНКОВСКА, Љубица