Stamenkova-Trajkova, Verica Ivanova (Kocani, 4 ⅵ 1944) – a psychologist, university professor. She graduated from Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1967), mastered at the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade (1981), while Ph.D. at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1986). It ended numerous trainings in the sphere of psychosocial protection. The Institute for Social Work and Social Policy works since 1975. (Full Professor of 1997) and realized teaching in cases: Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Mental Hygiene, Preventive Social Work, etc. She was head and coordinator of many scientific research projects. BIB.: Psychology, 1995; Mental hygiene, 1997; Structure of value systems in the various social groups in the Republic of Macedonia, 2000; Clinical Social Work, 2002; Study on research results on the state of health insurance among the Roma population in the Republic of Macedonia, 2004. Litus: Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje: 1920-1946-2006, Skopje, 2006, 289. V. Arn.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТАМЕНКОВА-ТРАЈКОВА, Верица Иванова