
Spirit (Duoven, Holy Trinity, Pentecost) – one of the biggest Christian Orthodox holidays. It belongs to the 12 major holidays that our church celebrates. It is also called Pentecost, because it is always fifty days after Easter, and the event that gives meaning happened to the Jewish holiday Pentecost. He is also known as the Holy Trinity, because in one place there are the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. With the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, they were filled with love for God and with the desire to glorify him. This act is considered the establishment of the Christian Church. In the popular belief, he most binds with the souls of the deaths. It is believed that from Easter to the spiritual souls of the deaths are free and come near their descendants. It is celebrated for three days, and the first day is always on Sunday. Saturday before the holiday is a spiritual supplies. Then, as well as on the first day of the holiday, the graves of the deceased are visited, leave the walnut branches and dulies (Bardians) and divides the soul of the late. Lit.: Lazar Mirkyћ, Heorthology, Belgrade, 1961; Marco K. Cepenkov, folk beliefs, children’s games, kn. Ninth, dredged Dr. Kiril Penakliski and Leposava Spirovska, Skopje, 1972, 68. M. Keith. Tsar Fan.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДУХОВДЕН

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