Special schools in Macedonia – Educational institutions intended for children and young people with special needs, ie with obstacles in physical and psychological development. The special school in Macedonian students from the school for rehabilitation of children and youth impaired “Dimitar Vlahov” Donony has seen a special development after the liberation. An appropriate normative regulation has been made, a network of social protection and education and education institutions has been created, a system of vocational categorization has been established, appropriate professional staff, more other problems have been resolved. The first facility for special education and education in Macedonia was founded in 1949. In Skopje (village Petrovec), since 1951. Dislocated in Bitola under the name Institute for Faulted Children, in which educated education and education received almost all categories of children with disabilities (deaf, blind, logo and mentally retarded). Later to the education and education of these children is accessed differentiated. In 1954 Established school for blind children. Special primary schools are opened for easily mentally retarded children in Prilep, Bitola, Skopje, in Veles and Strumica Novo Selo. In 1961 A special Law on Special Schools has been adopted, which regulates issues of special education and education. In 1993 At the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy, studies are opened by defectology, who, after several years are independent of the Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation. In 1998 Articles 9 institutions for mentally retarded persons (2,005 students), 4 institutions for hearing impairments (1,484 students), one institution for children and youth impaired (46 students) and one institution for rehabilitation of physically disabled persons (60 students) . In the academic year 2001/02 In special primary schools and in the special classes of primary schools, 1,290 students (243 teachers) are studying, and in 4 special secondary schools (Skopje – 3 and Stip – 1) 297 students with 64 teachers. Lit.: Lj. Aidinski, V. Andreevski, 50 years of protection, rehabilitation and education of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2001. K. Camb. Ilinka Spirevska Spirevska, Ilinka Mitova
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet