Kasic, Vladimir (Pirot, Serbia, 2. ⅹ 1892 – Belgrade, 16. ⅳ 1972) – Pedagogue, university professor. He finished teaching school (Jagodina) and Higher Pedagogical School (Zagreb, 1923). Pedagogical Sciences studied at the University of Jena (Germany), where he received his PhD (1927). Worked as a high school and university professor. The Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje Taught Methodology of Primary school teaching (1958-1967), performing at the same time as the head of the Pedagogy Group. The most famous papers wrote between the two world wars. BIB.: Inquiry U Naou Pedagogyku and back-time, 1929; Introduction of U Naou Skyu and all over, 1930; Pedagogical emergence Rada or Rad Cao Socious Validant, 1930; Old and New School, 1935, etc. Lit.: Faculty of Philosophy 1946-1976, Skopje, 1976, 75. K. Camb.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СПАСИЌ, Владимир