Spase, Sterio.

Spase, Sterio (village Globoani, Mala Prespa, Republic of Albania, 14. ⅷ 1914 – Tirana, 12. 1989) – Albanian writer and critic of Macedonian origin. He finished elementary school in Albanian and Greek in the birthplace and Korca. Education continued in Korca and Elbasan. Before the Second World War, he was a collaborator of the famous magazines in Tirana and Romania, such as “ABC”, “Botta is Re” (“New World”), “Ars”, etc. After the Second World War he finished a high exchange rate of literature at the Institute of Language and Literature “Maxim Gorky” (1960). He completed his education in Florence (Italy) and in Moscow (Russia). In a period, an inspector, editor of “Literature Jone” (“Our literature”), “novents” (“November”), “Schaklla is Re” (“New School”), etc. He is the author of prose and stories, novels, textbooks and reporting records. It is also known as anthologist, translator, textbook and collector of Macedonian folk waters. His works were translated into several world languages. BIB.: Why?, 1935; A wreath of youth, 1938; Bride without Douple, 1944; Aphrodite, 1944; They were not alone, 1952; Aphrodite again in the village, 1954; End Lake, 1960; Fire, 1972; Waking, 1974; Fallos, 1975; Freedom or death, 1978; Casters, 1983; Today or never, 1989; Cycle of five historical novels titled Revenuses; The letters of my grandson Arian in Tirana, 1992; The Beauty of Prespa, 1992. Lit.: Got Fatmir, Shrimthers Sterio Spasse, NR. 12, Tiranš 1964; Jorgali Naho, Chatzimtaria Letrare is Sterio Spassees Para Schlirimit, study NSH Librine NGA YETSH, PSA?, Priscount, 1968; Ljosja Rue-Hep, Episode Letrare, Priscount, 1967. A. P.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СПАСЕ, Стерјо

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