Smilevski, Vele (New Sun, Demir Hisar, 6. 1949) – poet, essayist, literary critic and scientist. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje, where he and PhD. Works as a scientific adviser at the Institute for Macedonian Literature and is an associate professor of journalism studies. He was chairman of the SVP and chairman of the Macedonian DPM in two terms. The editor-in-chief is the Synthesis magazine. BIB.: An image that burns, poetry, 1974; Cage, poetry, 1978; Breathe deep, poetry, 1985; Aspects of Macedonian literature 1945-1985, doctoral dissertation, 1993; Fifty songs, 2000; Journalistic lexicon, 2001; Essays, 2002. Lit.: R. Siljan: V. The poetic identity of V. Smilevski, in the book Macedonian poetry, 2001. P. Gil.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СМИЛЕВСКИ, Веле