Small St.

“Small St. Clement “- a former chapel of hospital enormous, built and painted in 1378. From Jeerish Stefan, at the time of Archbishop Gregory ⅱ and the Great Chief Andrija Gropa, a relative of King Marko. A small one-aisled church, the only committed to the protector of the city of Ohrid St. Clement. The frescoes in the bulk of the altar and the nave preserved and brings all the program marks of the Ohrid city workshops from the middle of ⅹⅳ c. Liturgical compositions in the altar, the cycle of large holidays in the higher zone of the nave and individual representations of saints in the lower zone of Sts. Clement, St. Nicholas, St. Naum, the Holy Overpellery Kuzman and Damian, St. Five, as well as St. Constantine and Elena on the west wall. Lit.: Mirjana “Boysђ-Lubby, old St. Clement of Ohrid, “Olderly”, (1940), Belgrade, 1942, 95-97; Gojko Suboti, St. Constantine and Jelena U Ohrido, Belgrade, 1971, 63-64; Tsvetan Grozdanov, Ohrid wall painting from the ⅹⅳ century, Ohrid, 1980, 151-153. S. C.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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