Shulajkovski, Mark

Shulajkovski, Marko (Debar, 31. ⅲ 1921 – Belgrade, 29. ⅺ 1989) – Participant in the NOB. He finished secondary education in Skopje and then returned to Debar, where he became a member of the CPY (1941). He was burdened, arrested and conducted in the prison in Tirana (1942- 1943). After leaving the prison was a fighter in the second Albanian brigade. There was various military-party duties in NOVM. After the release, he was served in Macedonia and Serbia. Lit.: Darm – Skopje, handwritten biography, f. “Biographies”. VL. Iv. Tony Schulevski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШУЛАЈКОВСКИ, Марко

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