Shukarova, sparkle

Shukarova, sparkle (Skopje, 21. ⅹ 1972) – Ballerina and choreographer. The ballet is obtained in the MBUC “Ilija Nikolovski-Louis” in Skopje (in the class of F. Jovanovska). Go specialization in Lyon, France, (1993). Graduated (2000) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (Group History of Art) with Archeology. Masters (2002) in “Laban”, the Center for Tands and Choreography in London. It becomes a member of the Balette at MNT (1990). A prominent soloist, with the sense of dramaturic shaping of the roles. Since 1994 deals with choreographic activity. Representative is the modern ballet expression. She was director of the MNT ballet (2004-2005). Ullog: Red Woman (“Pink Floyd”), Ishtar (Vangelis, “for the unknown”), Mirtet (A. Adam, “Giselle”), etc. Choreographies: “Pastels” (M. Olfield), “Infer” (A. Schnitke), etc. Em. J.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШУКАРОВА, Искра

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