Shirilov, Tashko, Lerini, 20. 1938) – Storyteller, novelist, literary critic, poet, translator of French (V. Igo, Stendal, A. Dima, Mopassan, Gil Vern, Saint-John Pers, etc.) . He graduated from the Faculty of Philology (French and Literature) in Skopje. Worked as a journalist in the newspaper “Vecer”, and is now employed in the company of Lit. Translators of Macedonia and publish it in. “Mirror”. He was chairman of the Union of Literary Translators of Yugoslavia. With Pascal Gilevski, they raised and issued the independent newspaper “For the Macedonian Works” (1971-72). BIB .: Ikar, poetry, 1976, Timothy and Lydia, Roman, Zumba, 1999; Physaological vocabulary of the Macedonian language, Tom First, SK., 2003 (co-authority with Todor Dimitrovski). Lit.: Atanas Vangelov: First order stylist – AMA TRADE, “START”, Number 244, 2003. P. Gil.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШИРИЛОВ, Ташко