Shindov, Stefan Kostadinov (village Zrze, Prilep,? – Meststeath caves, near the village Trojac, Prilep, 8. ⅳ 1907) – Prilep Polish duke. It is known for him that with his entire Chief heroic died in the battle with the ascer and the bashibo. Near the village. Troja, Prilep. Exhibit. And Lit.: NBWM – Bia, F. 583, A.e. 67, ll. 230-248; “Ilós® Ilindení”, no. 1, Sofia, 1944. Al. TR. Bogdan Shindilovski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШИНДИЛОВ, Стефан Костадинов