Shikic, Branislav (Pula, Croatia, 1905 – Belgrade, 7. ⅱ 1976) – Forestry engineer. The student movement in Macedonia and a member of the CPY (from 1941) was prominent. After the occupation he was a member of the Provincial Military Commission (1941), when he was arrested by the Bulgarian police. He was later a political commissioner of the Porech Nopo. After the liberation was employed in the state administration in the field of forestry. BIB.: The actions of the Military Commission in the provincial committee in 1941, November 13, ⅵ, 6, Skopje, 1967, 12; The Porecene Partisan Squad and the Skopje Extra Brigade, in the same place, 7; The Trade Union in Skopje (19081971), Skopje, 1971. S. Ml. Shikole, Aleksandar Josifov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШИКИЌ, Бранислав