Shahichi, Muharem (Djurisevac, 15th ⅴ 1927) – Artist and poet. Graduated from an administrative school and a pedagogical course. As a participant in the NOB, he remained a military disability. He was Secretary of the SCAY, president of the Association of Fighters of the Municipality of Kisela Voda in Skopje and Artist of the Albanian-Turkish National Theater in Skopje (1970). Av-Tor is also two collections of poetry. Ullog: Chris (“Mandade”), Rusin (“Heavenly Squad”), Overgrown (“Kostana”), Pande (“Money is Objective”), Rama (“Marital Partners”) and Jola (“Hollow”). S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШАХИЧИ, Мухарем