Serbs in the Republic of Macedonia

Serbs in the Republic of Macedonia – ethnic community in the Republic of Macedonia. After the Balkan (1912-1913) and after the First World War (1914-1918), the Vardar part of Macedonia (25,000 km 2) was annexed by the Kingdom of SCS. After the annexation, through politics of colonization, Serbian authorities strive to form a Serb minority in Macedonia. In the period between the two world wars cover of “View”, (1919-1939), the first magazine through the so-called. Selate Serbian language in RM Ska (agricultural) and so on. Administrative colonization, nearly 100,000 Serbs were colonized in the Vardar part of Macedonia, which was 10% of the overall population. In the period of World War II, Bulgaria has annexed most of this part of Macedonia. The Bulgarian authorities led a policy of expelling the Serbian colonized population from Macedonia. In the period of the Second World War of the Vardar part of Macedonia, 70,000 Serbs were expelled from Skopje, Kumanovo, Veles, Strumica, Negotinsko, Stip and etc. After the Second World War, the process of renewal of the Serbian minority in Macedonia began. In 1948 In the Republic of Macedonia, 29,721 Serbs (or 2.6%) lived, in 1961 – 42,728 (3.1%), 1971 – 46,465 (2.8%), 1994 – 40.228 (2.07%), and in 2002 – 35,939 Serbs (or 1.78%) of the overall population. The largest number of Serbs live in Skopje (14,298), Kumanovo (9,062), Chucher-Sandevo (2,426), Staro Nagoricani (926), Valandovo, 639, Tetovo (604), Rosoman (409), Bitola (541) and Stip ( 297). Unlike other minorities, in the period of DFJ / FNRJ / SFRY, the Serbs had the status of the people. With the 2001 Constitution, after the interim status of a minority, received the status of ethnic community in the Republic of Macedonia, with recognized and guaranteed national rights. The Serbian language is present in the educational, in state electronic media (radio and television) and have their own holiday (“St. Sava”). Political parties organized: “Democratic Party of Serbs” (DPS), “The Democratic Union of Serbs” (DSS) and “Radical Party of Serbs in Macedonia” (RPS). Lit.: Statistical Office of SR Macedonia. Census of the population, households and apartments, 1981, Skopje, 1984; Statistical Office of R. Macedonia. Census of the population since 1994, Skopje, 1997; Statistical Office of R. Macedonia. Census of the population, households and apartments in the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia, Skopje, 2004; Dr. Stoyan Acisovski, ethnic changes in Macedonia (1913-1995), Skopje, 2000; Dr. Stojan Acisovski – PhD Irena attitudes-Remedy, minorities in the Balkans (ⅹⅹ century), Skopje, 2004. St. KIS.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СРБИТЕ ВО РМ

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