Second Macedonian-Roman War (200-197 BC) – War of the Macedonian King Philip ⅴ (221-179) against the Roman Republic. In alliance with Rome, they enter: Rhodes, Pergam, Athens, Iliri, Dardendians and Hellenians. The allied armies conquer anti-patriaries in 200l. BC And they try to penetrate into Macedonia. In the first years of war, Philipⅴuccessfully opposes the Romans and provides a firm position of the r. Aoss. To the decisive battle between the Macedonian and Roman army comes in June 197. BC In Konilicephala in which Macedonian phalanx, despite the initial successes, is completely smashed. Macedonians have great losses: 8,000 troops die, and 5,000 are captured. Philipfter leaves the battlefield, and when withdrawing he burned the Royal Archive in Larissa before it falls in the hands of the Romans, and the state documents are saved. A truce and Philipⅴ be entered in Macedonia. Lit.: Radbius, pla Histories, Harvard Universitis Press, 1960; Titi Livnes, AB URBe Condy, Lipsia, 1906; History of the Macedonian people 1, Skopje, 2000. A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet