School pedagogy.

“School pedagogy” – the first textbook after pedagogy, written by a Macedonian author, the famous teacher Joseph Kovachev from Stip, with subheading: Methodical leadership for teachers and managers of public schools. It is printed in Thessaloniki (1873), and the publisher of D. is published. C. Manchev. The work covers a wide range of questions from the generalapadogical (target of upgrading, mental, moral, physical education), didactic (didactic principles, formal and material education, content, organization, teaching, etc.) and methodical issues (meaning, purpose, purpose and tasks of individual program contents, etc.). The views and understandings presented in this work reflect the level of development of the then Pedagogical Science. Some of them have not lost their meaning to date. Lit.: R. Cantarziev, history of education and educational in Macedonia, Skopje, 2002. K. Camb.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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