Scholevski, Dragan (Novi Sad, 1924) – Agronomist, prominent scientist, researcher, pedagogue and founder of contemporary landscape art and architecture in the Republic of Macedonia. Primary and secondary education ended in Skopje, and graduated from the agricultural and forestry faculty in Zagreb (1952). The doctoral thesis defended him in Zagreb (1982). Worked on spatial, urban and landscape planning. He has prepared over 500 elaborates from the landscape architecture. The most famous are: The Recreational Park “Gorica” in Ohrid; City parks in: Skopje, Bitola, Radovis, Vinica, Sveti Nikole; Parks for monumental complexes in: Prilep, Stip, Veles. As an expert of the United Nations, he worked in South America (Peru). He has published about 80 scientific and professional papers and two books. The winner of about 30 recognitions for its activity. S. H. P. Koljakova, Maria Vanchova
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШОЈЛЕВСКИ, Драган