Sapkarev, Elijah Andonov

Sapkarev, Ilija Andonov (village Velgosi, Ohrid, 26. ⅶ 1931) – mathematician, order. Prof. (1975) of ETF. He graduated (1954) at the Faculty of Philosophy (assistant from 1959 at the Faculty of Technical Faculty) and Phmo (1964) of the PMF with the topic “Invariant differential equations in relation to the shift of office”. In the academic 1965/66 He was specialized at the Mathematical Institute in Göttingen, Germany. The scientific interest is the field of differential equations. He is the author of 60 scientific papers and textbooks for high and secondary education, participated in many congresses and symposia. He was a mentor of doctoral and master’s thesis and highly active in an expert and social field. BIB.: (Co-author with P. Krzovski) Linear algebra with analytical geometry in space, Skopje, 1967; Mathematics ⅲ, Skopje, 1991; Mathematics ⅳ, Skopje, 1991. Lit.: Development and state of mathematical sciences in SR Macedonia, MANU, 1987; Buy no. 387 / ’82. N. C.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШАПКАРЕВ, Илија Андонов

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